Although the spine is essential in supporting and maintaining our posture, it can still be vulnerable to various injuries. Common complications can include bulging discs and herniated discs. They are often confused because they involve a disc that has been injured or pushed out of place. A bulging disc is when the material inside a spinal disk extends outwards. With herniated discs, the internal contents squeeze through the outer layer and place pressure on any close-by nerves. Either one can make it difficult to stand or sit for an extended period of time and can cause pain that radiates down the legs. if you’ve been wondering how bulging disc vs herniated disc causes and symptoms differ, this overview will provide your answer.
When the inner region of an intervertebral disc starts pushing out from its surrounding wall, this is referred to as a bulging disc. It can occur over time due to the natural aging process, or from quick motion that may injure the disc. The discs in our spines are designed to act as cushions between each vertebra, allowing for flexibility and mobility. When a disc bulges, it can press on surrounding nerves and cause pain due to the pressure it creates.
Symptoms of a bulging disc are unpleasant because they restrict our ability to move and cause pain. Some of the most common symptoms include:
There are many reasons why someone might suffer from a bulging disc. Common reasons can include poor posture, sitting or standing for extended periods, lifting heavy objects, traumatic injuries, and general wear and tear. Our disc starts to weaken as we age, making it more vulnerable to injury.
Risk factors for bungling discs can include the following.
A fragment of the disc nucleus is pushed out of its protective layer, the annulus, and into the spinal canal when there’s a tear or rupture. Typically, discs become herniated because they have begun to degenerate. The pain can become unbearable because the fragments can press on the nerves in the spinal cord.
Symptoms of herniated discs can mirror those of bulging discs. However, herniated discs are more likely to cause severe and sudden pain because the material inside them has been released outside its protective layer. Common symptoms include pain in your legs, tingling sensations, or muscle weakness.
Below are the most common reasons someone would suffer from a herniated disc.
Bulging disc vs herniated disc risk factors are nearly identical. Older adults are more susceptible to such problems, and those who have sedentary jobs or sit all day.
If the treatments don’t work, surgery should be the last resort. Non-invasive techniques always make them less likely to have any adverse complications.
Bulging disc vs herniated disc symptoms can be hard to differentiate. We welcome you in for a comprehensive evaluation. We have four locations dedicated to providing superior care for our clients. Visit us today for a free MRI review if you believe you’re suffering from building disc or herniated disc symptoms.