Chiropractic insurance coverage opens your treatment options, as you can now pursue chiropractic care with fewer worries about how you’ll pay for it.
Whether you’re interested in the Active Release Technique or ART, prenatal chiropractic care, physical therapy, cold laser therapy, dry needling, joint injections, pediatric chiropractic care, or chiropractic treatments, all are within your reach.
To afford you the most insurance options for chiropractic care and physical therapy, Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Center officially announces our acceptance of TRICARE health insurance.
TRICARE Prime is the main insurance plan under TRICARE that covers prime service areas throughout Houston and beyond. You can also pursue TRICARE Prime Remote, TRICARE Prime Overseas, and TRICARE Prime Remote Overseas if you’re an active duty service member or a family of one.
These health insurance plans also cover qualified former spouses, recipients of the Medal of Honor (including their families), survivors, retired Reserve or Guard members ages 60 (including their families), non-activated Reserve or Guard members who qualify for the Transitional Assistance Management Program, active Reserve and Guard members (including their families), and retired service members.
Access to pain management and chiropractic insurance coverage through a TRICARE chiropractor affords these great benefits.
Aches and pains that worsen as the day goes on can interfere with so much of your life. You might find yourself turning down social obligations because you worry about how you’ll get around.
With pain management insurance and chiropractic coverage, you can receive natural, holistic treatments that put a significant dent in your pain.
Many patients who see us at Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers report feeling better mentally and physically. It’s not simply that they’re reducing their pain, although that certainly does help.
Chiropractic treatments tap into the brain-body connection. When you soothe body pain, you soothe the brain for better mental health.
TRICARE health insurance extends to physical therapy treatments too. If you’ve recently had an athletic injury, a car accident injury, or a work injury, you can take advantage of this insurance coverage.
Here are the advantages of doing so.
You’re recovering from a major injury, which will require all your physical and mental fortitude as it is. You don’t need the additional stress of worrying about how you’ll pay for your medical bills and treatments on top of it.
With TRICARE health insurance, you can put your all into your recovery and get on the mend sooner.
Foregoing physical therapy can prevent your injuries from healing fully, which could mean years or a lifetime of nagging pain. When you can rely on your health insurance, you’ll take advantage of physical therapy services without breaking the bank.
TRICARE health insurance coverage is a comprehensive insurance plan, but the available policies differ by the customer according to limits and restrictions. Why not contact us today to verify your coverage and discuss your options?
The cost of chiropractic care and other rehabilitation services offered at Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers doesn’t have to be insurmountable. You can make affordable payments for these holistic treatments with TRICARE health insurance.
To determine your coverage and deductible, contact us at Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers. You can fill out our online contact form or reach us by phone. Our Woodlands phone number is 281-362-0006, and our Houston number is 713-652-4052.