Pain Management Injection is an effective, non-surgical treatment method for conditions such as back pain, sciatica, and herniated discs. If you’ve never been treated with a pain relief injection before, you’ll be glad to know that Houston Spine and Rehabilitation has an excellent reputation in the local community for this type of pain relief procedure.
A steroid injection is a precision method of treatment that’s often abbreviated as ESI (Epidural Steroid Injections). The medical community has been using ESI or pain management Injection for decades, and it’s a remedy of choice for people suffering from lower back pain.
Its name comes from the act of injecting anesthetic and steroid medicine into the epidural space, which is located around the nerve roots and spinal cord.
walk better, improving how the legs and lower back move. Injection therapy is often done in concert with physical therapy and is a time-tested method to get people back out there, walking better and pain-free.
When your doctor determines that epidural pain relief injections are an appropriate treatment option, you’ll begin with a single injection. If you have a good result, you may come back for a second shot after the effects of the first one begin to start wearing off. Patients may have as many as three injections during a 12-month treatment regimen.
Patients come to our rehab center, presenting with a wide range of symptoms and conditions requiring Injection treatment to reduce pain:
This list is meant to give you examples of the most frequently seen causes. If you do not see your
After you enter our doors, you can anticipate giving information about your medical history and the reason you are seeking steroid sedatives. The chiropractor will make a physical examination, which includes seeing how well you can move and what your level of pain currently is.
Then, after assessing your condition, we will make an individualized plan for pain relief injections to best serve you and your schedule. Since no two patients are alike, there is no single method or timeframe for treatment.
About 70% to 90% of patients can get relief from pain with the procedure, with results lasting anywhere from 7 days to 365 days, depending on each patient’s unique condition and situation.
Rest assured that the Houston Spine and Rehab clinic will present all options for your treatment, which we will commence within a comforting and caring environment that you can feel relaxed in.
Whether you have lower back pain, sciatica, a herniated disc, or spinal stenosis, you’ll start to feel better once you begin a course of treatment. But you may still have questions about injections and how they can bring relief.
To discover more about our Pain Management Injection services or to make an appointment for treatment in Houston or the neighboring Woodlands area, please contact Houston Spine and Rehabilitation at 713-652-4052 today.