Director of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Physical Therapy
Dr. Jenny Barton, PT, DPT, is a physical therapist practicing at Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers in The Woodlands, Texas. Dr. Barton is passionate about promoting healing in her patients by providing the best possible physical therapy care. She loves having the opportunity to help patients reach their personal goals and improve their quality of life. She specializes in pre/post-surgical care and assisting patients with general orthopedic pain and musculoskeletal pain in the spine and extremities. She is certified in functional dry needling and blood flow restriction therapy.
Dr. Barton is a Spring, TX native born and raised. She didn’t travel far to receive her BS in Kinesiology & Health from the University of Texas. From there, Dr. Barton went on to receive her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. After receiving her doctorate, Dr. Barton practiced physical therapy for 6 years in DFW before moving to The Woodlands, TX to join the Houston Spine & Rehabilitation Centers team.
When she isn’t helping her patients, Dr. Barton can be found working out, shopping, spending time with her family and enjoying all of the live music Houston has to offer! Fun fact, before Dr. Barton was cheering on her patients; she was a University of Texas cheerleader for 4 years during her undergraduate degree including one year as co-captain!